News Release: Tabor Communications

SAN DIEGO, CA – May 18, 2016 – Tabor Communications Inc. (TCI), a leading international media and services company, and publishers of industry leading online advanced-scale computing publications including HPCwire, EnterpriseTech, and Datanami, today announced the release of the new native advertising platform, called “The Solution Channel,” as part of their network of high tech computing publications covering the people and technologies that are ushering in the next generation of computing. The Solution Channel launched this past week on HPCwire.

The Solution Channel platform is a native advertising vehicle that provides solution providers with the ability to archive and distribute content to readers on the TCI Network in a format that is familiar and leverages existing habits. The new vehicle takes advantage of the natural way in which readers engage with online content by embedding a widget in the content stream of a given TCI network site, presenting valuable and relevant content within the established news browsing context. The new platform aims to provide an experience that is seamless, cohesive, and drives greater interaction, allowing solution providers to derive deeper engagement with the audiences looking for ways to solve their advanced technical computing challenges.

“With a legacy in HPC going back 30 years, Tabor Communications, Inc. (TCI) is the information nexus for the adoption of high performance computing technologies in all its forms and applications,” said Tom Tabor, President & CEO of Tabor Communications. “The Solution Channel builds on our service to this community by providing a conduit for creating deeper engagement and building stronger relationships for both end users and solution providers. Our network is the end-to-end solution for reaching the decision makers in what we call ‘advanced-scale computing,’ – a term referring to the convergence of infrastructure for HPC, Big Data, and Cloud in commercial, academic, and government settings – spanning the hyperscale as well as the performance scale paradigms, and everything in between (and beyond). Where computing pushes new boundaries, we’re there to help build community and bridge new frontiers.”

The Solution Channel is available on all three of the TCI Network of sites, including Datanami,EnterpriseTech, and the flagship, HPCwire, which has been the leading portal for High Performance Computing news and insights for nearly 30 years. Through this world-leading advanced-scale computing network, Tabor Communications reaches the top of the computing pyramid, from real-time big data analytics to high performance computing.

“This is an exciting time in digital media because businesses today have more ways than ever to reach their target audience – and more competition than ever for their attention,” says Matt Walters, VP Digital Strategy for Tabor Communications. “The Solution Channel raises both brand and thought-leadership by offering solution providers an opportunity to reach influencers and decision makers who rely on our publications to keep their finger on the pulse, through education, storytelling, social engagement, and visibility. Content marketing continues to prove effective, and The Solution Channel platform provides a conduit for sponsors to establish themselves as thought leaders, engage with their target audience and inspire them to action.”

To visit The Solution Channel on HPCwire and learn more about The Solution Channel platform, please visit: To become a Solution Channel vendor, please contact your account executive, or visit: to download our media kit.

About HPCwire

HPCwire is the #1 news and information resource covering the fastest computers in the world and the people who run them. With a legacy dating back to 1986, HPCwire has enjoyed a history of world-class editorial and journalism, making it the news source of choice selected by science, technology and business professionals interested in high performance and data-intensive computing. Visit HPCwire at

About Datanami

Datanami is one of the premier online portals covering big data, produced by Tabor Communications, Inc. (TCI) a leading international media, advertising and communications company dedicated to covering advance computing technologies for science, research and business. Datanami is a premier online portal covering big data. View daily news

About EnterpriseTech

EnterpriseTech provides insight and analysis into how leading global companies are meshing high performance computing (HPC) technologies with the broader pool of hardware and software solutions that are feeding large-scale enterprise performance, productivity, efficiency and flexibility. Aimed at decision-makers, technologists and thought leaders across the technology and business spectrums, EnterpriseTech is set to provide stories and analysis about how the world’s top companies understand, implement and refine the technologies that deliver competitive advantage. View today’s news at

About Tabor Communications, Inc.

Tabor Communications Inc. (TCI) is a media and services company dedicated to high-end, performance computing. As publisher of a complete advanced scale computing portfolio that includes HPCwire, Datanami, EnterpriseTech, and HPCwire Japan, TCI is the market-leader in online journalism covering emerging technologies within the high-tech industry, and a services company providing events, audience insights, and other services for companies engaged in performance computing in enterprise, government, and research. More information can be found at

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